Collier's Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Are My Heating Bills Higher Than Normal?

Monday, December 28th, 2020

money-chimneyYou looked at the first month of your bills since your heating system turned on for the season—and you did not like what you saw. At all. You expect to see utility bills rise after the lull of the fall season between peak AC and peak heater use, but this rise is larger. What’s going on?

There are plenty of possibilities for why you’ve got the high heating cost blues, but be glad you noticed it early in the winter so you can help turn it around. In this post, we’re going to look at some reasons you have more expensive heating bills (aside from an increase in energy pieces) and what can be done about it.

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Is Radiant Heating My Best Option?

Monday, December 14th, 2020

alternative-heating-systemsChoosing a new heating system is a major decision. If you’ve started the process of shopping around for a new heater, you’ve probably already discovered 2 truths.

  1. There are a lot of options out there.
  2. Comfort doesn’t come cheap.

Here’s another truth for you—there’s no such thing as one “perfect” or “best” heater. There is a heater that is best for you, though. Finding it can be tricky, but that’s what we’re here for. Let’s take a closer look at radiant heating in Fort Wayne, IN.

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3 Reasons to Heat Your Home without Ducts

Monday, November 16th, 2020

ductless-blowerWhole-house, forced air heating and air conditioning systems are incredibly popular. And with good reason. These systems are efficient, and they’re effective. When you use a furnace and an air conditioner (or just an air-source heat pump) to heat and cool your home, you also only need one heat distribution system to handle your heating and cooling—your ductwork! There is another option to consider, however, and it is one that we cannot recommend strongly enough.

This is the ductless mini split. As the name implies, ductless mini splits (or ductless heat pumps) do not require air ducts in order to distribute heated and cooled air throughout the house. And no, they are not at all just another version of a space heater or window unit. They’re still whole-house systems, just with a very unique design. Read on to learn more about ductless mini splits in Fort Wayne, IN.

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3 Reasons Heaters Shut Down So Soon

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

dog-under-blanketIf your house is warm, you may think that there’s nothing to worry about in terms of your heater’s condition. Sure, it seems like it’s starting up and shutting down super frequently, but like you said—the house is warm! That’s all that matters right?


If that’s your attitude toward your short cycling heater, which is the problem described above, then your home may not be comfortable for that much longer. Short cycling can do real damage over time.  The good news? It may be a simple fix! The bad news? It could actually be quite serious. Here’s everything you need to know.

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“Sounds” Like You Need Furnace Repairs!

Monday, October 19th, 2020

covering-earsFurnaces are among the most common and reliable of all home heating systems. The natural gas furnace is seen by many as the ideal heater, while those without access to natural gas are more than happy to go with an electric model. Just because furnaces are great heating systems does not mean that they are flawless heating systems, though. In other words, you are going to need heating repair in Auburn, IN, at some point.

When you do, you don’t want to wait for your system to break down entirely.  You want to be sure that you’re being proactive—catching problems early on and resolving them promptly. Easier said than done? Maybe, but there are actually a lot of warning signs to look out for. Or, as we’ll focus on in today’s post: to listen for!

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3 Tips for Turning on Your Heater This Season

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Every time the seasons change, homeowners groan at the thought of having to change out their air conditioners for heaters. Although we’ve very physically capable of dealing with the changing temperatures from hot to cold, mentally we’re not always on the same page! That’s why we rely on lists and helpful tips from professionals to make sure all of our ducks are in a row before the cold temperatures reach us.

So, without further adieu, we’re going to give you some major industry tips when it comes to keeping your heater in good shape taking it out of hibernation. We’ll spoil the surprise of one of those tips, which is to always call us for heater repair in Huntington, IN. Make sure you address any problems before the cold weather hits us.

Keep reading and we promise your heater will want to thank you.

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Get Your Furnace Winter-Ready!

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Ngas-furnaceot quite ready to be thinking about winter just yet? Well, that’s understandable. But remember that it’s not just winter that brings the cold weather! We’re moving right into October, and those cool fall temperatures can create plenty of need for your home heating system, too. That is why you need to schedule any necessary furnace repairs in Huntington, IN, now.

Of course, the key to keeping your heating repair needs to a bare minimum is with a great maintenance program. You know, one like our own HomeSaver’s Club! The benefits of routine maintenance cannot be stressed enough. So let’s dig into some signs that you need furnace repairs, and how annual furnace maintenance limits such risks.

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Considering a Heating Replacement? It’s Never Too Early

Monday, April 20th, 2020

old-furnaceWe know what you’re probably thinking. The heating season is just petering out. Why would I already be thinking about a heating replacement? Well, the answer is actually pretty simple. If you were dissatisfied with your heating in Fort Wayne, IN, this winter, and found yourself thinking about a replacement from time to time, that situation won’t be any better next winter! In fact, it will probably be even worse. And doesn’t it make sense to replace when you don’t need the system operational?

Even if you’re on board with this line of thinking, you may still be wondering when the time is right for a home heating system replacement. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today. There are a lot of different reasons why one may choose to replace his or her heater, and the and answer is never to wait for your system to break down entirely. You don’t want to be scrambling for a new heater out of absolute necessity. This is a scenario in which you definitely want to be prepared.

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How Leaky Ductwork Affects Your Furnace

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

ductsWe’re definitely heading into the warmer time of the year—though not soon enough for everyone’s liking! With spring and eventually summer on the horizon, a lot of homeowners are probably starting to pay a little less attention to their heaters. What if we were to tell you, though, that there is a particular set of problems that can negatively affect both your furnace and your central air conditioner? Because there is, and that set of problems relates to your ductwork.

So while your need for furnace services in Fort Wayne, IN, may be limited at this point, keep in mind that your AC service needs haven’t even started to ramp up yet! And if you have any ductwork service needs, like duct testing, sealing, or new installation, remember that that’s a year-round concern. So read on, keep in mind how ductwork problems can affect your furnace and/or central AC, and remember to schedule your air duct services with the trained professionals on our team.

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Fight Fledgling Furnace Efficiency—Fast!

Monday, March 9th, 2020

furnaceDoes it seem like your furnace is costing more and more to run? If so, then you really want to address that problem ASAP. Any number of issues may drag down the overall energy efficiency with which your furnace in Fort Wayne, IN, operates. Each of these issues shares something in common, though—they won’t fix themselves! And the fact of the matter is that problems are only going to get worse over time.

That’s why it’s so important to be aware of any and all signs that there is a problem with your home heating system. Even if the heater is still up and running, after all, doesn’t mean that it is up and running properly. An inefficient system that’s always cost a lot to run may not indicate that there is a problem that needs addressing. However, if your system’s efficiency is suddenly slipping, then some attention is almost definitely needed.

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