Collier's Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Burners are a Key Part of your Heating System

Monday, March 26th, 2018

furnace-repair-servicesHeating season is coming to an end for another year, and homeowners throughout the area will be powering down their heating systems in favor of their air conditioners. That makes now a good time to schedule a maintenance session and have a professional technician give your furnace a close look.

Among the most important components in any forced-air furnace is the burner array, which provides the heat that makes the furnace function. Any technician worth their salt will give the burners a thorough examination as part of every maintenance session. As a homeowner, it pays for you to understand a little more about how the burners work and what happens when they run into trouble.

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When to Call for 24/7 Emergency Furnace Repair

Monday, March 12th, 2018

furnace-repair-servicesWe’re approaching the end of the heating season as winter slowly turns into spring. Ironically, this is the period when furnace breakdowns and serious heating repair jobs become the most common: not because you’re running your system more often than normal, but because months of use have taken their toll. Unfortunately, a furnace breakdown isn’t exactly something you can just ignore. There are still plenty of cold days to come in the next few weeks, and without proper heating, your home could turn into a popsicle very quickly.

The good news is that our emergency furnace repair services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That means you can get a technician out in the middle of the night or over the weekend to get the problem corrected the right way. Having said that, emergency services do cost extra, and before you pay the additional cost, you need to determine if and when an emergency problem is called for. At the end of the day, only you can make that decision, but we’ve prepared a few tips to help guide you if you have some questions.

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Problems to Look for Late in Heating Season

Monday, February 26th, 2018

heating-system-repairsAs hard as it may be to believe, we’re moving into the tail end of winter, and the weather will begin to warm up in just a few weeks. That doesn’t mean that your heater will be getting a break, however.

Indeed, late the season is the time when your system is most vulnerable to repair issues: having been working on a daily basis for months, and subjected to increasing strain as wear and tear take their toll. You should keep an especially close eye on your heating system this time of year and call in a repair service if you detect any problems.

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Things to Look for in an HVAC Service

Monday, February 12th, 2018

heating-system-repairsHeating services are vital for keeping your furnace or boiler up and running during the depths of winter, just as air conditioning services are necessary to keep your home cool and comfortable in the summer. Ideally, your HVAC system will work as expected every time. We recommend periodic maintenance sessions from a qualified service to help with that.

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Don’t Wait to Schedule Furnace Repair Services

Monday, January 29th, 2018

heating-system-repairsWe’re in the throes of winter here in Fort Wayne, IN, which means your household furnace is likely performing daily duty in an effort to keep your home comfortable. If your system needs repairs, you need to schedule them sooner rather than later. The more time goes on with your furnace operating with a problem, the more likely the damage is to spread and the greater the likelihood that it will shut down completely: requiring immediate action before your home resembles an ice box.

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Troubleshoot Before Calling in an HVAC Service

Monday, January 15th, 2018

heating-serviceWinter means freezing cold temperatures on a daily basis, which means that your HVAC system is going to be put to the test for months on end. When trouble occurs, you can’t waste a moment of time getting it addressed. Your home’s temperature can drop precipitously and present a health issue as well as a comfort issue.

However, while waiting on a heating problem isn’t an option, you should always take a moment to make sure that a heating repair service is required. Laymen should never attempt to diagnose a problem with their heater: they contain delicate components (and possibly dangerous ones such as gas lines) and require formal training and licensing to address. 

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How to Cut Down on Monthly Heating Costs

Monday, January 1st, 2018

save-heating-costsWinter is officially here, and the new year brings with it higher heating costs as we run our systems every day to keep our homes comfortable. To a certain extent, higher monthly heating costs are inevitable in an environment like ours. We’re running our heaters a lot — out of necessity from the cold weather — and that means higher heating bills by default. Just because you’re paying more, however, doesn’t mean you should pay more than you should, however. With a few judicious steps, you can help cut down on those costs while saving your heating system a lot of wear and tear. 

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Cut Down on High Heater Bills this Winter

Monday, December 4th, 2017

high-heating-billsWinters in our neck of the woods are very cold, and we’re only now just starting to get a taste of it. Your heating system has likely been running regularly for some time now, and daily use will soon be an absolute necessity. The bad news is that it means your heating bills will almost certainly go up, since you’ll be using the system much more than you would in the summer. But just because you’re paying a higher bill doesn’t mean you should pay more than you should, and the good news is that there are3 a number of ways to cut down on high heater bills this winter.

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Signs Your Heating System Needs Replacing

Monday, November 20th, 2017

heating-system-replacementWith the weather getting colder every day, you’re going to need the heater in your home to run like clockwork every day. A breakdown in the middle of the winter can be far more than a nuisance: it can pose an active health risk. And if your heating system is older, then you need to consider very carefully whether it can handle another freezing Indiana winter effectively. If it can’t, then now is the time to get it replaced, while the weather is still comparatively warm and you have time to schedule a replacement session at your leisure.

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In the Market for a New Heater? Consider These Alternatives

Monday, November 6th, 2017

alternative-heating-systemsIf your home needs a new heating system. now is the ideal time to discuss your installation options. Winter is not yet here, and while temperatures are falling steadily, you still have a few weeks to plan for the replacement and get your new heating system ready to go by the time the weather really takes a turn. Most homes in the area rely on either forced-air furnaces or traditional boilers to keep warm in the winter.

Both models are inexpensive and reliable, and if they have worked well for your home, there’s no reason to change. But they’re not the only types of heating system out there, and if your home struggles with a forced-air furnace or boiler, you might consider one of the following alternative types of heater to install instead.

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