The Optimal Temperature for Your Home

February 7th, 2022

When talking about the condition of your heating system this year, we need to also include the setting on your thermostat. The higher the temperature, the harder your furnace has to work and the more likely it is that you’ll need furnace service in Auburn, IN. This begs the question—what’s the optimal temperature for your home and your energy efficiency? We’ll get into the details of this question and seek to answer it for you.

The truth is that a home’s temperature is going to depend on the comfort preferences of the owner. Some people want warmer temperatures in order to feel comfortable and we’re never going to tell someone to turn the thermostat down if that’s what they like. However, we’re going to discuss ways to balance the temperature in your home so that you get the most energy efficiency and longevity from your heating system.

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What Should Your Next Heating Installation Be?

January 24th, 2022

Some of our readers might be a little puzzled by the title of this blog. How can you start thinking about your next heating installation when you’re still so preoccupied on the one you have? When is a good time to invest in a new heating system?

These are all great questions that we’re looking to answer in this blog post. The truth is that you should always be planning ahead and taking into account your heating systems lifespan. If you’ve had it for 10 years or more, the replacement of your heater is coming soon and you might benefit from considering your options now.

So, let’s get ahead of the curve and investigate our options for heating installation in Fort Wayne, IN. We’re going to find out which heating system would best replace your old and outdated one when the time comes.

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Lukewarm Air Is a Bad Sign

January 10th, 2022

As long as there’s anything but cold air coming from your air vents, you’re probably going to be fine, right? Well, not exactly. One of the first signs that a furnace exhibits before it starts to shut down or suffer from an efficiency problem, is it sends lukewarm air through your vents. There are a lot of reasons this could happen, but we assure you that none of them are good.

While you might just need a quick repair, your furnace could also be aging into retirement. In this case, you’ll need to call us for a new furnace installation in Fort Wayne, IN. You depend on your furnace to stay warm and cozy throughout the year, which means that any sign of a problem should be treated with care and attention.

Don’t worry! Our team is going to work hard on informing you as to what’s going on, and we’ll fix the system quickly so you can get back to your normal life.

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Does Your Gas Furnace Use Electricity?

December 27th, 2021

Many homeowners think that their are two exclusive methods to heating a home—gas and electric. While this is mostly right, there’s a little bit of a caveat to this. While electric furnaces and heating systems only use electricity, it’s not true that gas furnaces don’t use a tiny bit of electricity to run effectively. Most modern furnaces are built with electrical ignition systems, and they’re also built with high-tech electrical components that help them run more efficiently. These require electricity, but no more electricity than that of a small device like a smartphone.

Today, we’d like to cover why your gas furnace uses electricity, if this is a negative or positive thing, and what to do when you encounter an electrical problem that requires furnace repair in Monroeville, IN. Thankfully, our technicians can handle any repair for a furnace, so you’re in good hands!

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Does Your Furnace Need Repairs?

December 13th, 2021

The answer to that question depends on the unique situation your furnace is in. The truth is that many homeowners don’t recognize the signs of a failing furnace very easily, and we often don’t get the call to come and provide furnace repair in New Haven, IN until it’s too late and the system has broken down. Let’s avoid that bad situation by trying to get ahead of any problems your furnace might be experiencing.

What’s the real question we’re asking here? How can you tell that your furnace needs repairs? This is a better question and one that gets to the heart of what we’re trying to say.

From noises to odors, to even strange things occurring in your thermostat, there are a number of different ways you as a homeowner could identify furnace troubles. Then, when you think there’s something wrong, you can call us for help!

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Is a Heating System Too Complicated for DIY Repairs?

November 15th, 2021

This is a difficult question but one that we hope to answer fully in this blog post. The truth is that yes, heating systems are too complex these days for average homeowners to try and make DIY repairs on, regardless of how handy they might be. Back 40 years ago it might make sense that simple heating systems could be fixed by a handy homeowner and a manual, but these days things are a lot more complicated due to a few reasons.

From energy efficiency to the newer technology that we utilize to more precisely control our comfort, heating repair in New Haven, IN is now a service that needs to be done by professionals. Without professional service, you could risk voiding your expensive warranty, damaging your system, or even causing a full heater breakdown due to just bumping an extremely sensitive component.

Let’s talk about why heating systems are more complicated than they used to be.

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What’s Wrong With Your Furnace?

November 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year where air conditioners slowly wane out of conversation and the new hot topic to talk about is furnaces. Gas furnaces are the most common way to heat a home in the United States, and in the last few years they’ve only gotten more popular and efficient. New technological strides and the movement away from oil heating has given gas furnaces the prominence as the top contender for the heating system of the year.

However, you might not be like other homeowners who are excited to turn on their systems and feel the cozy warmth coming from the vents. There could be something wrong with your heating system that is cause for concern. Don’t worry, our team specializes in heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN. We might not be able to tell you exactly what’s wrong with your system from our online blog, but we can start the path towards fixing the issue here.

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Why Furnace Cleanings Are Necessary

October 18th, 2021

One huge part of furnace maintenance inspections is the cleaning and adjusting of the system. Over time, a furnace system can get dirty or backed up with soot and grime that will ultimately inhibit the efficiency and efficacy of the equipment. This can be fixed with routine maintenance, or more specifically, with routine system cleaning.

We’re not just talking about cleaning the outside of your furnace and making it aesthetically pleasing. We’re talking about cleaning the interior components and improving the safety as well as the functionality of the system. Furnace cleanings as well as furnace repairs in Fort Wayne, IN are essential in keeping your heating system safe and effective.

Today, we’re going to talk about some common problems that can crop up with a dirty furnace. We’ll discuss why maintenance and targeted repairs are such great solutions for a furnace that’s getting dirty.

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Our Heater Maintenance Checklist for 2021

October 4th, 2021

It’s heating season! Or at least it’s quickly becoming heating season. There’s not a particular date that we just decide to switch our systems from cooling to heating, it really depends on each individual homeowner’s comfort preferences. If you’re really not happy with temperatures that dip below 50 degrees, then you might start the heater early than another homeowner. To each their own!

However, heaters require plenty of maintenance—both professionally and from homeowners themselves. If you’ve got a furnace as your primary source of heating in Fort Wayne, IN, then you’re going to want a professional to look at it before the heating season to maintain it’s efficiency and safety.

Here are a few things you can do in preparation for the heating season. Don’t forget to call our team and schedule professional maintenance as well, since that’s one of the best and most all-encompassing things you can do for your home comfort!

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Don’t Downplay the Ductless System

September 20th, 2021

There are many different types of heating and air conditioning systems on the market. It’s enough to make any typical homeowner’s head spin! You might have seen the title of this blog post and wondered, “why is the ductless system getting all the attention?” We’ll answer your question and shed a little insight on ductless technology in the process!

The truth is that more and more homes are switching to ductless heating and cooling. There are a variety of reasons for this switch, but the truth is that different homes will require different situations. In regards to your own home’s AC services in Huntington, IN, ductless technology might be perfect.

This blog post seeks to provide homeowners with necessary information about ductless systems so we can help set them up in homes where they might be a huge improvement.

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