What’s Wrong With Your Furnace?

November 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year where air conditioners slowly wane out of conversation and the new hot topic to talk about is furnaces. Gas furnaces are the most common way to heat a home in the United States, and in the last few years they’ve only gotten more popular and efficient. New technological strides and the movement away from oil heating has given gas furnaces the prominence as the top contender for the heating system of the year.

However, you might not be like other homeowners who are excited to turn on their systems and feel the cozy warmth coming from the vents. There could be something wrong with your heating system that is cause for concern. Don’t worry, our team specializes in heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN. We might not be able to tell you exactly what’s wrong with your system from our online blog, but we can start the path towards fixing the issue here.

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Why Furnace Cleanings Are Necessary

October 18th, 2021

One huge part of furnace maintenance inspections is the cleaning and adjusting of the system. Over time, a furnace system can get dirty or backed up with soot and grime that will ultimately inhibit the efficiency and efficacy of the equipment. This can be fixed with routine maintenance, or more specifically, with routine system cleaning.

We’re not just talking about cleaning the outside of your furnace and making it aesthetically pleasing. We’re talking about cleaning the interior components and improving the safety as well as the functionality of the system. Furnace cleanings as well as furnace repairs in Fort Wayne, IN are essential in keeping your heating system safe and effective.

Today, we’re going to talk about some common problems that can crop up with a dirty furnace. We’ll discuss why maintenance and targeted repairs are such great solutions for a furnace that’s getting dirty.

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Our Heater Maintenance Checklist for 2021

October 4th, 2021

It’s heating season! Or at least it’s quickly becoming heating season. There’s not a particular date that we just decide to switch our systems from cooling to heating, it really depends on each individual homeowner’s comfort preferences. If you’re really not happy with temperatures that dip below 50 degrees, then you might start the heater early than another homeowner. To each their own!

However, heaters require plenty of maintenance—both professionally and from homeowners themselves. If you’ve got a furnace as your primary source of heating in Fort Wayne, IN, then you’re going to want a professional to look at it before the heating season to maintain it’s efficiency and safety.

Here are a few things you can do in preparation for the heating season. Don’t forget to call our team and schedule professional maintenance as well, since that’s one of the best and most all-encompassing things you can do for your home comfort!

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Don’t Downplay the Ductless System

September 20th, 2021

There are many different types of heating and air conditioning systems on the market. It’s enough to make any typical homeowner’s head spin! You might have seen the title of this blog post and wondered, “why is the ductless system getting all the attention?” We’ll answer your question and shed a little insight on ductless technology in the process!

The truth is that more and more homes are switching to ductless heating and cooling. There are a variety of reasons for this switch, but the truth is that different homes will require different situations. In regards to your own home’s AC services in Huntington, IN, ductless technology might be perfect.

This blog post seeks to provide homeowners with necessary information about ductless systems so we can help set them up in homes where they might be a huge improvement.

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Replacement Might Be Your Most Affordable Option

September 6th, 2021

You’re likely one of many homeowners in our area who are dealing with an air conditioner that’s past its prime. No matter how many times you get it repaired, it’s just not performing like it used to. We understand how bad this can feel.

While AC replacement might sound like a harsh experience, a savvy homeowner can turn it into an amazing experience to save money and upgrade their comfort.

Our job is to provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and hard work involved with air conditioning service in Andrews, IN. But we can also give you some great tips on how to save money when investing in AC replacement, as well as explore the cost-effective possibilities that could make your life a lot easier!

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3 AC Frustrations and Our Solutions

August 23rd, 2021

Air conditioning can be frustrating. You sign the paperwork, shell out a huge amount of money, all for the hope that your AC will keep temperatures comfortable during the summer heatwaves. Then, when something goes wrong, it feels like you’ve been cheated out of the one thing you wanted out of all of this—comfort.

Well, first we’d like to tell you that we hear you. And we’d also like to tell you that there are some solutions to your problems.

While calling us for AC repair in Bluffton, IN is indeed the best thing you could do at the moment, it’s not the only thing. If you’re a homeowner with an air conditioner that’s making you frustrated and upset, then keep reading. We’ve got a few important solutions that could help mitigate your problems and ultimately make you feel much better.

Toss those frustrations aside and roll up those sleeves!

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Our Safe Indoor Air Quality Tips

August 9th, 2021

Indoor air quality is an important measure of comfort. If you feel like your home is the perfect temperature, that’s wonderful, but it shouldn’t just stop there. You should be willing to investigate how you feel, the kinds of contaminants you’re encountering in your home, and the possible solutions to the problem.

For instance, an air purifier in Fort Wayne, IN could be the best piece of technology to eliminate contaminants and keep your home safe. But it’s not the only thing you can do to improve breathing conditions in your house.

Today we’re going to talk about some safe practices for great indoor air quality—from keeping surfaces clean and dusting, to improving the humidity conditions of your air in the summer or winter. Just think of us as your indoor air quality gurus, and make sure you call us with any questions or concerns!

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It Might Be Time for an AC Replacement

July 26th, 2021

We’ve been hit hard this year by hot temperatures, and things are only going to get hotter as we jump right into August. Many homeowners are struggling with air conditioners that are ten years old, running inefficiently, or just cost too much to maintain. We completely understand, which is why we want to highlight the benefit of replacement services, as well as clue you into a great promotion we’re running.

So, let’s talk about efficiency ratings, affordable replacement systems, and what replacement services really entail. We won’t push you towards a specific product because every home and budget is different, but we do want to talk about why replacing your aging system now could be the best move for the future!

Don’t forget—regardless of whether you need AC repair in Roanoke, IN or a whole-system replacement, our team is the one to call!

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What Is an AC Capacitor?

July 12th, 2021

Air conditioners rely on electricity in order to keep our homes cool—this is no mystery. What is a mystery to many homeowners is just how this process happens. How does your system turn electricity into cool, comfortable air at an affordable price? And how does it know to start and stop depending on the temperature set on your thermostat?

Well, the answer to this question is your capacitor. This is a little component that might not seem like it does much, but your air conditioner actually relies on it very heavily. Without it, it won’t know when to properly start or stop, and you’ll be needing air conditioning service in Fort Wayne, IN.

Today, let’s shed some light on this mysterious component and talk about why you might need to have your system’s capacitor replaced. Or, if you’re just curious about how your system works, we’ll fill you in!

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Preparing for the Summer Heat

June 28th, 2021

We’ve got record-breaking temperatures on their way this summer, and it’s no mystery that we’re trying to get every homeowner in our area ready for them. Sure, you could just flip the switch on your air conditioner and hope for the best, but sometimes that’s not good enough. Let’s avoid that worst-case scenario of dealing with uncomfortable temperatures on the hottest day of the year.

The truth of the matter is that air conditioning involves more than just your AC system itself. There are other factors to consider and they all can contribute to the temperature of your indoor air. Eventually, when these scorching hot temperatures hit our area, we’ll be ready.

Just remember that none of these tips or fixes can replace actual professional air conditioning repair in Huntertown, IN. When you need serious help, our team should be the first one you call!

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