Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

AC Repairs: 5 Tips for Dealing With the Next Heatwave

Monday, May 27th, 2024

The sun is getting stronger, the days are getting longer, and whispers of an impending heatwave are starting to fill the air. While many welcome the warm weather, a scorching heatwave can quickly turn your home into an uncomfortable furnace. This is where a reliable air conditioner becomes your best friend.

But what happens when your AC sputters and struggles to keep up just when you need it most? To avoid a meltdown, being proactive with maintenance and AC repairs in Bluffton, IN is key. Here are 5 tips to ensure your AC is in top shape before the next heatwave hits.

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3 Ways Dirty Filters Cause AC Problems

Monday, July 27th, 2020

man-with-filterYou know that AC technicians need to handle AC maintenance.  It’s just not a DIY job. There is way too much to consider. Too much training and experience needed. But did you know that there is one maintenance task that you can and should handle yourself?

It’s an easy one. Just change your air filter as needed.

Well, that doesn’t sound all that important, you’re thinking. In truth, keeping a fresh air filter in your AC is the best thing that you yourself can do for your system. Why? Well, that’s what we’re here to talk about today. So read on, and reach out with any questions that you may have.

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It’s Time for AC Maintenance!

Monday, May 18th, 2020

So, springtime has come and almost gone, but you’re planting the last few sprouts of your garden as you complete your final springtime activities. While most homeowners wouldn’t consider “air conditioning maintenance” a springtime activity, we’d beg to differ! The truth is that right now our HVAC systems aren’t being taxed nearly as heavily as they would be during the summer or winter. Not only that, but technicians at companies like ours have less on their busy schedules, which means it’s the perfect time to schedule service.

Maintenance isn’t a service that’s optional. It’s important to schedule a service like AC maintenance in Fort Wayne, IN because of the sheer amount of benefits it provides. If you’re a homeowner in the area and you’re looking for long term opportunities for savings and increased efficiency, then call our team today!

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It’s Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, June 17th, 2019

AC-unitAt some point, you are going to need professional air conditioning repair in Fort Wayne, IN. When that time comes, you want to work with skilled professionals that will get the job done right the first time, every time. That is why you want to schedule your AC repairs with us. Given that, we do understand that you want to keep your repairs as minor and infrequent as possible. The key to this is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance.

The benefits of regular, professional air conditioning maintenance cannot be overstated. In today’s post, we are going to cover why it is that you absolutely owe it to yourself and to your AC to schedule maintenance with our team. Our HomeSaver’s Club makes maintenance even easier and even more beneficial than you’d imagined.  So read on, and remember that you rely on your AC way too much to take any chances with its condition or overall performance quality.

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Want to Avoid AC Troubles? Here’s What NOT to Do

Monday, May 20th, 2019


There’s no shortage of air conditioners questions about what should be done to lower cooling bills, to prevent repairs, and to ensure that it lasts for years and years.

But sometimes, the best way to answer a question is by saying what you shouldn’t do. In this post, we’ll do just that by telling you what not to do to avoid AC problems.

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