Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Why You Need to Repair Your AC at the First Sign of Trouble!

Monday, June 1st, 2020

AC-repairAnd by “repair your AC…” we mean you need to call us for the job! All too often, homeowners convince themselves that they don’t really need to have their ACs professionally repaired just yet. After all, it is still up and running. And it’s still cooling the house. Sort of. Not great. But it’s still running. If you start thinking that way, remember that you deserve better—and so does your AC! There is never a situation where waiting it out will benefit you.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of the ways that scheduling AC repairs in Fort Wayne, IN immediately will benefit you and your air conditioning system. There are short term and long term benefits to consider. Just keep in mind that you’ll only reap those benefits if you leave your AC repairs to trained professionals. Even the best systems are going to require repairs from time to time, and working with great technicians is a must.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Short Cycling?

Monday, October 7th, 2019

woman-on-couch-with-fanNot sure what we mean by “short cycling?” Well, short cycling is a very common problem that homeowners encounter with their air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN, and the fact that you don’t know it by name does not mean that you’ve never dealt with—or are not currently dealing with—the problem! Short cycling is one of those issues that actually is quite serious, but which doesn’t result in the immediate breakdown of HVAC equipment.

Given the opportunity, however, short cycling can definitely wind up damaging your air conditioner system or heater—perhaps even irrevocably. So keep the following information in mind, and be sure to let a member of our team know if you’re concerned about short cycling with your air conditioner. The issue may actually have a very simple fix, but it could also be quite serious. That means that you need to take short cycling seriously every time, and not just hope for the best.

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Is It Time to Schedule AC Repairs?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

home-dehumidifiersA broken air conditioner is certainly not something you want, especially during a hot summer day! An AC in disrepair can spell all sorts of trouble for your comfort and your wallet, so what do you do? Why, you call for air conditioning service in Fort Wayne, IN of course!

In order to call for repairs, however, you must first learn to recognize the signs of trouble. Therefore, we have listed some of the most common signs that suggest your air conditioner is on the fritz. All you’ve got to do is keep reading below to find out more.

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Do I Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, July 29th, 2019

man-desk-fanIf there is one problem that homeowners really don’t want to encounter with their air conditioning systems, it is the refrigerant leak. Of course, not every homeowner is aware of this! Considering just how vital a role refrigerant plays in your air conditioning system, it should go without saying that a refrigerant leak is a major point of concern. Not sure precisely what we’re talking about? That’s fine, because it’s the focus of today’s post!

Before we go any further, let us clarify that we are not out to alarm you for no reason. Just because you experience some of the symptoms that we mention in this post does not mean that you definitely have a refrigerant leak—and that’s precisely the point. It takes a trained professional not just to resolve refrigerant leak issues, but to diagnose them accurately to begin with. When it comes to problems with air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN, ours is the team that you want to work with.

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It’s Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, June 17th, 2019

AC-unitAt some point, you are going to need professional air conditioning repair in Fort Wayne, IN. When that time comes, you want to work with skilled professionals that will get the job done right the first time, every time. That is why you want to schedule your AC repairs with us. Given that, we do understand that you want to keep your repairs as minor and infrequent as possible. The key to this is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance.

The benefits of regular, professional air conditioning maintenance cannot be overstated. In today’s post, we are going to cover why it is that you absolutely owe it to yourself and to your AC to schedule maintenance with our team. Our HomeSaver’s Club makes maintenance even easier and even more beneficial than you’d imagined.  So read on, and remember that you rely on your AC way too much to take any chances with its condition or overall performance quality.

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AC Not Working? Low Airflow Could Be the Cause

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

air-filterDoes it feel like your air conditioner isn’t cooling down your home as well as it used to? If it sounds like your air conditioner is working as it should, yet, it’s taking longer to cool the home (and your cooling bill is gradually rising), then you might have an airflow problem on your hands.

There are several potential causes of airflow problems in your AC. An expert in air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN can pinpoint the cause for you, but we’ll do our best to give you an idea of what the issue could be.

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Want to Avoid AC Troubles? Here’s What NOT to Do

Monday, May 20th, 2019


There’s no shortage of air conditioners questions about what should be done to lower cooling bills, to prevent repairs, and to ensure that it lasts for years and years.

But sometimes, the best way to answer a question is by saying what you shouldn’t do. In this post, we’ll do just that by telling you what not to do to avoid AC problems.

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Important Signs That You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, May 21st, 2018

ac-repair-outdoor-unitIt always seems to happen on the hottest days of the year. When you need your air conditioner the most, it runs into some difficulty.

Luckily there are a number of easy maintenance tasks you can manage on your own including regular filter changes. However, there are some cases where simple maintenance won’t do the trick. That’s when you need to call the experts.

So, how do you know when you’re facing an issue you can resolve yourself or if you need to call the experts? Here are some signs to watch for.

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Why Does Ice Form on Air Conditioning Coils?

Monday, July 31st, 2017


Air conditioning problems are quite common this time of year for obvious reasons. Our AC systems are put to the test each and every day as temperatures climb into the triple digits and beyond sometimes. Ideally, everything will work as intended, but in the event it doesn’t, you need to move quickly. Otherwise, an unexpected breakdown could leave you without proper air conditioning, and turn you home into an oven in the process.

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Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repairs

Monday, May 22nd, 2017

air-conditioning-repairSpring is in full bloom, and chances are you’ve already run your air conditioner regularly this year. In a few weeks, you’ll need to run it every day to keep your home cool and comfortable. If there’s a problem with your system, now is the time to have it diagnosed and repaired, before the first real heat wave hits. Otherwise, you might experience an unexpected breakdown in the middle of the hottest day of summer, forcing you to scramble before your home turns into an oven.

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