Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fort Wayne’

6 Electric Furnace Repair Issues

Monday, February 25th, 2019

electric-furnace-repairMost advice on the internet about furnaces is geared toward natural gas furnaces. That’s simply because gas furnaces are among the most popular kind of furnace.

Of course, there are plenty of homes with electric furnaces—and that’s no surprise either. Electric furnaces are cleaner, easier to install, and safer. The only problem is that, like any machine, they’re susceptible to wear and tear. This will lead to repair issues over time.

As long as you call in a repair as soon as possible, you can avoid incurring further damages or increases in your utility bill. Here are 6 repair issues you can look out for:

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Heating System

Monday, January 28th, 2019

money-chimneyWhen it comes to beating the winter, having a heating system in place is only half the battle. The other half? Making sure that system is running at its full potential.

Many believe that the key to efficiency is by using energy saving tactics. While that’s certainly true, what they forget is that you first need to make sure the system itself is up to par. Allow us to explain.

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Mid-Season HVAC Safety and Efficiency Check

Monday, January 14th, 2019

furnace-inspectoinThe worst possible time for your heater to stop working is right in the middle of winter. But of course, as luck would have it, that’s often when we get most of our repair calls. Unfortunately, we can’t be everywhere at once, so a portion of our customers has to wait at the bottom of the list. That means they’re waiting in the cold until we can arrive.

We don’t want you to go through that if we can help it—and we’re pretty sure we can! By keeping an eye on your heater, you can prevent most problems from arising in the first place. As soon as you notice one of these efficiency-killers or safety issues, get it handled and you should be able to avoid most big problems.

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How to Keep Your Heating Bill Low This Season

Monday, December 31st, 2018

money-seesaw-houseWant to know the secret to keeping your heater’s energy bill low?

It’s all about taking care of your system. As long as your system is in tip-top shape from head to toe, there’s not much else you have to worry about. But for the average homeowner, they don’t always readily understand just how much of your system you need to keep in check. That’s why we’re going to break it down for you in this post.

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Smart Thermostats Have to Be Used Smartly!

Monday, December 17th, 2018

smart-thermostat-remote-controlA search on the internet will show you hundreds of results about how smart and WiFi thermostats can lower your monthly energy expenses. But here’s the truth about these thermostats that most people won’t tell you:

It’s how you use them that matters. And if you don’t use them smarter, then you won’t see the savings you want.

In this post, we’ll go over some of the thermostat features you have to start using if you want to lower your monthly energy expenses.

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3 Factors in Choosing a New Heater

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

furnace-repair-servicesWith all the types of heating systems out there on the market, it’s no surprise that homeowners feel overwhelmed. They all boast several unique features, and some features might even overlap—it’s easy to feel like you could be missing out by choosing one system over another.

Instead, we think you should approach it from the other end: take some factors of heating systems into consideration and then let that inform you of what kind of heater is best. We’ll help you get started with three important factors in choosing a new heater.

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Air Filters vs Air Purifiers: Which Is Better?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

UV-air-purifierIt depends, actually. Various kinds of air filters and air purifiers exist, but they’re not all made with the exact same purpose in mind. Although some of their functions do overlap, it’s more about finding out which one makes sense for you and your home.

For the average homeowner, you just need to make sure that you’re getting the right kinds of treatment for your unique needs.  Allow us to explain:

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Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality This Season

Monday, November 5th, 2018

replacing-air-filterAre you concerned about illness and allergies through the cold season? The cold doesn’t make our home’s air quality any worse, but our immunities will be lowered due to the cold. If your home is not already equipped to combat poor indoor air quality, then here are some steps you can take to change that:

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Ground-Source vs Air-Source Heat Pumps

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

geothermal-heat-pump-diagramHeat pumps are renowned for their functionality and efficiency. They can be used as both heaters and air conditioners, and they do so more efficiently than both central air conditioners and furnaces.

However, even in the heat pump category, there’s debate about which type of heat pump is best: air-source, or ground-source. Both have their pros and cons. In this post, we’ll go over the benefits and drawbacks of both types of heat pumps.

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Common Furnace Problems That Will Ruin Your Comfort

Monday, October 8th, 2018

technician-inspecting-furnaceAs temperatures continue dropping in Indiana, many homeowners may wonder if their furnace will last them for the whole season. After all, it’s been nearly half a year since they started using their heaters consistently again, so we understand the concern.

We don’t recommend gambling on it, though! A quick maintenance check can easily uncover some hidden issues, many of which aren’t listed in this article. As for some of the more obvious signs that you can look into right now, you can look for:

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