Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fort Wayne’

Gas Furnaces Are Safer Than You Think!

Monday, October 17th, 2022

For all of those homeowners that might be a little skeptical of a gas furnace’s safety, this blog is for you. While yes, without routine maintenance and professional attention for repairs, a gas furnace can run into serious problems that can make it potentially harmful. But when a system is maintained properly and in good shape, it’s actually got a lot of safety mechanisms in place to make sure your home is safe, efficient, and comfortable.

This blog post is going to highlight a couple of components in a furnace that helps it with the job it does. These components are important because they are robust, long-lasting, and important for keeping the system safe. Since they’re gas-burning appliances, furnaces in Fort Wayne, IN need plenty of safety mechanisms and components to ensure that no carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or natural gas leaks into your breathable air. Here’s how it does it!

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How’s Your Ductwork Doing?

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Ductwork is an extremely important part of HVAC systems. While they’re never in the spotlight, that’s reserved for your air conditioning or heating unit, they probably deserve more attention than they usually get. You see, in order for your conditioned or heated air to reach you, it has to travel through your ductwork and ventilation system. If there are any problems with that, then your energy-efficient air conditioner isn’t going to seem so efficient as it leaks conditioned air into the basement or crawlspace of your home.

Think of this blog post as a bit of a PSA for your ductwork. If you’ve forgotten about your air ducts until now, that’s totally fine (let’s face it, it’s been a crazy year) but we’d argue that now is the time to shine the spotlight on them. Our team can provide custom services for ductwork in Fort Wayne, IN, from sealing to repairs. Just get in touch with us!

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3 Tips for Commercial AC Owners

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Commercial air conditioning is a practical necessity during the summertime. Even if you’ve got a small place of business, it’s important that customers, employees, and clients feel comfortable and happy while they’re there. This can only really be achieved with a commercial air conditioner that’s powerful and efficient enough to cool the entire space of your business.

Powerful and efficient are the two words you should remember today, because they’re going to be two of the three important things to consider when investing in your commercial AC in Fort Wayne, IN. Your system should be powerful enough to provide cooling for the entire area of the property. But it should also be affordable enough so that you’re not looking to cut costs in other areas in order to just keep your commercial space comfortable.

Let’s talk about power, efficiency, and longevity, and what those have to do with the professional services we provide.

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What Makes Geothermal HVAC a Good Choice?

Monday, July 25th, 2022

You’ve probably heard a lot in the news about geothermal heating and cooling systems. In fact, with record-breaking heatwaves affecting much of the world already, people are looking far and wide for new and inventive solutions to heating and cooling problems.

If you’ve heard of geothermal HVAC systems, or even if you are just a curious consumer who wants to start looking into alternative ways to heat and cool your home, this is the blog post for you!

We’re going to start by talking about how these systems work. Then, we’ll get into why geothermal heating and cooling in Fort Wayne, IN is such a powerful tool for both hot summers and cold winters. These systems are definitely where the industry is trending, and if you’ve got the budget to plan ahead, we recommend taking steps to invest in one of these units now!

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Prepare Your AC for Summer!

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

We don’t mean to be alarmist by any means. The summer is a time for fun and outdoor activities, and we hope you are as excited as we are! The only reason why we want to bring up your air conditioner is in preparation for the hot temperatures ahead. Things will get hot and uncomfortable at some point, and the better a homeowner can alleviate these hot temperatures, the happier and more fun their summer will probably be.

So, what exactly can you do to alleviate those temperatures and keep things comfortable in your home? Well, that’s what this post is for!

We’ve got a checklist of a few things that will keep your air conditioner in good shape for the coming summer. Just remember that tips and tricks can only go so far–you might end up requiring air conditioning service in Fort Wayne, IN. This is something that we can help you with!

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Your AC Might Need Leftover Repairs

Monday, April 18th, 2022

It’s the season when homeowners all across the country are taking their air conditioning systems out of retirement and into action. Temperatures are only bound to increase, so this need is only going to grow with time. This is both a time for excitement since the seasons are changing and the flowers are budding, but also anxiety as old air conditioner problems come back to haunt us. That AC repair in Fort Wayne, IN that was avoided last year might not be avoidable this year.

Well, don’t worry. Our team can help you with affordable and effective AC repairs. The important thing that we require from homeowners is that they do their diligence and are honest with themselves. Don’t avoid a repair because it might be costly, that cost could multiple in just a few months, so let’s try to deal with the problem at hand.

Here’s why early-season repairs are always going to be a good thing.

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Decoding Your Heater’s Problem

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Sometimes understanding what the problem is in your heating system can be like solving a riddle. There are clues that might point you in the right direction, but after a few searches online, suddenly you’re even more confused than when you started! If only there were one specific location you could go to decode your heater’s issue and get to the bottom of it.

Well, there’s always a good location you can go to when you need support–your phone to call our team for help! We provide heating services in Fort Wayne, IN that are designed to diagnose your problem and fix it in record time. This is a reliable method if you don’t want to get into the weeds of your heater’s issues.

However, for homeowners who are more interested in the problem at hand, maybe we can help you decode your heater’s hidden problem.

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What Should Your Next Heating Installation Be?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Some of our readers might be a little puzzled by the title of this blog. How can you start thinking about your next heating installation when you’re still so preoccupied on the one you have? When is a good time to invest in a new heating system?

These are all great questions that we’re looking to answer in this blog post. The truth is that you should always be planning ahead and taking into account your heating systems lifespan. If you’ve had it for 10 years or more, the replacement of your heater is coming soon and you might benefit from considering your options now.

So, let’s get ahead of the curve and investigate our options for heating installation in Fort Wayne, IN. We’re going to find out which heating system would best replace your old and outdated one when the time comes.

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Lukewarm Air Is a Bad Sign

Monday, January 10th, 2022

As long as there’s anything but cold air coming from your air vents, you’re probably going to be fine, right? Well, not exactly. One of the first signs that a furnace exhibits before it starts to shut down or suffer from an efficiency problem, is it sends lukewarm air through your vents. There are a lot of reasons this could happen, but we assure you that none of them are good.

While you might just need a quick repair, your furnace could also be aging into retirement. In this case, you’ll need to call us for a new furnace installation in Fort Wayne, IN. You depend on your furnace to stay warm and cozy throughout the year, which means that any sign of a problem should be treated with care and attention.

Don’t worry! Our team is going to work hard on informing you as to what’s going on, and we’ll fix the system quickly so you can get back to your normal life.

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What’s Wrong With Your Furnace?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year where air conditioners slowly wane out of conversation and the new hot topic to talk about is furnaces. Gas furnaces are the most common way to heat a home in the United States, and in the last few years they’ve only gotten more popular and efficient. New technological strides and the movement away from oil heating has given gas furnaces the prominence as the top contender for the heating system of the year.

However, you might not be like other homeowners who are excited to turn on their systems and feel the cozy warmth coming from the vents. There could be something wrong with your heating system that is cause for concern. Don’t worry, our team specializes in heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN. We might not be able to tell you exactly what’s wrong with your system from our online blog, but we can start the path towards fixing the issue here.

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