Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fort Wayne’

Should I Heat My Home with a Heat Pump?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

heat-pumpThat’s not really a question that we can answer definitively. There is no single heating system that is right for every home or for every homeowner. What we can tell you is that you should at least weigh your options and consider the heat pump and its benefits carefully. There may not be a single heating system that’s right for everyone—but the heat pump sure is right for a lot of homeowners!

We’ll dive into what makes the heat pump such a fan favorite in today’s post. But first, a quick reminder. You can spend your money on the best systems and equipment in town, but that doesn’t guarantee a great performance from those systems and equipment. To enjoy the best that any heat pump has to offer, you need to schedule your heat pump services with skilled, trained professionals.  Leave your heat pump services in Fort Wayne to our team in order to do so.

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3 Reasons to Heat Your Home without Ducts

Monday, November 16th, 2020

ductless-blowerWhole-house, forced air heating and air conditioning systems are incredibly popular. And with good reason. These systems are efficient, and they’re effective. When you use a furnace and an air conditioner (or just an air-source heat pump) to heat and cool your home, you also only need one heat distribution system to handle your heating and cooling—your ductwork! There is another option to consider, however, and it is one that we cannot recommend strongly enough.

This is the ductless mini split. As the name implies, ductless mini splits (or ductless heat pumps) do not require air ducts in order to distribute heated and cooled air throughout the house. And no, they are not at all just another version of a space heater or window unit. They’re still whole-house systems, just with a very unique design. Read on to learn more about ductless mini splits in Fort Wayne, IN.

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3 Reasons Heaters Shut Down So Soon

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

dog-under-blanketIf your house is warm, you may think that there’s nothing to worry about in terms of your heater’s condition. Sure, it seems like it’s starting up and shutting down super frequently, but like you said—the house is warm! That’s all that matters right?


If that’s your attitude toward your short cycling heater, which is the problem described above, then your home may not be comfortable for that much longer. Short cycling can do real damage over time.  The good news? It may be a simple fix! The bad news? It could actually be quite serious. Here’s everything you need to know.

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3 Reasons to Choose a Geothermal System

Monday, September 7th, 2020

geothermal-loopsLooking for a new heating and/or air conditioning system? Feeling a little overwhelmed by the options that you have in front of you? If so, we understand. There is a lot to consider. And we don’t want to overwhelm you further, but we’ve got one more to add to the list. If you’re not paying attention to geothermal technology, then you risk really missing out.

Geothermal heating and cooling in Fort Wayne, IN, is really gaining momentum among homeowners. By the time you’re finished reading this post, you’ll understand why. Is geothermal right for every home and every homeowner? No. No HVAC system can make that claim. However, you may just find that it’s the system you’ve been dreaming about!

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3 Reasons Your AC Keeps Shutting Down too Soon

Monday, August 24th, 2020

ac-repair-manNobody wants to deal with a broken down air conditioner when things start to heat up outside. What too many people do seem comfortable dealing with, however, is an air conditioner that may not be totally broken down, but which definitely is not working properly. That’s the case with a short cycling air conditioner. And make no mistake. Ignore the problem long enough, and a breakdown is likely in your future.

Today, we’re not only going to talk about what short cycling is. We’re going to talk about what causes it. Why? Because, in some cases, it’s a simple matter of user error. Others will require professional air conditioning repairs in Fort Wayne, IN. Either way,  it is always good to have an idea of what you’re up against. Read on, and stop putting up with short cycling from your AC!

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5 Reasons You’re Paying too Much for Cooling

Monday, August 10th, 2020

service-reminderNobody wants to be uncomfortable in their own home. But nobody wants to drain their budget just to keep their home comfortable, either. So, it’s a real problem when homeowners are forced to choose to between high energy bills and effective cooling. The good news is that the problem is definitely one with a solution. And no, we’re not going to tell you that you need to replace your entire air conditioning system. Thought that could definitely help boost efficiency in many cases.

Regardless, there are plenty of ways that you may cut down on energy costs without sacrificing your comfort. In many cases, the answer is as simple as dialing our number. If your dissatisfied with your air conditioner in Fort Wayne, IN, we’re the pros to call. Not only can we diagnose and fix existing problems. We can also help to avoid future problems from developing. So keep these tips in mind, and stop paying too much for the comfort you deserve!

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3 Ways Dirty Filters Cause AC Problems

Monday, July 27th, 2020

man-with-filterYou know that AC technicians need to handle AC maintenance.  It’s just not a DIY job. There is way too much to consider. Too much training and experience needed. But did you know that there is one maintenance task that you can and should handle yourself?

It’s an easy one. Just change your air filter as needed.

Well, that doesn’t sound all that important, you’re thinking. In truth, keeping a fresh air filter in your AC is the best thing that you yourself can do for your system. Why? Well, that’s what we’re here to talk about today. So read on, and reach out with any questions that you may have.

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You Can’t Ignore These 5 AC Problems!

Monday, July 13th, 2020

AC-techniciansOkay, we suppose that you could ignore them. But why would you? Air conditioning problems are not going to go away on their own. In fact, they are only going to get worse. We assume that you value your comfort. And we assume that we value your money. Ignoring any of these 5 problems is going to cost you both. Maybe not all at once, but eventually. The good news is that you’re reading this now.

When you need air conditioning repairs in Fort Wayne, IN, we are the pros to call. We get out to homes fast. We fix problems fast. But we never choose “fast” over “right.” Don’t compromise your comfort, and don’t compromise on service quality. Let us know the moment that you notice any of these problems in your home. There is no reason to wait when our team is standing by. Get your comfort back on track ASAP!

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Negative Effects of a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, June 29th, 2020

refrigerant-fillingWith summer temperatures being as hot as they are in our area, it goes without saying that you need a great performance from your home cooling system. A great performance is a complete impossibility if that cooling system has a refrigerant leak, though. There are a lot of different problems that may develop with your AC in Fort Wayne, IN, but a refrigerant leak is one of the most serious. Why? Because a lot of homeowners don’t know the warning signs.

If left unaddressed for too long, a refrigerant leak can cause serious comfort issues in your home, but it won’t stop there.  Let it go even longer, and your system could be damaged beyond repair! We’re not telling you this to try and scare you. We just want you to understand what’s at risk when a refrigerant leak goes unresolved. We also want you to understand what warning signs your AC might give you if it should spring a leak!

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Tips to Save Energy and Keep Cool

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Summers in this part of the country can be two things: hot and humid. This can make for days that are uncomfortable, to say the least. If you are one of the many Fort Wayne residents who choose to spend the majority of your time indoors during the summer to avoid the high heat, you are going to be relying a lot on your air conditioner.

Now you may be wondering if there is any way to save a little extra cash this summer without sacrificing your comfort. We are happy to say that there is. There is more than one way to adjust your habits at home to give your AC a helping hand and keep things more cool and comfortable, without an added cost.

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