Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fort Wayne’

Why You Need to Repair Your AC at the First Sign of Trouble!

Monday, June 1st, 2020

AC-repairAnd by “repair your AC…” we mean you need to call us for the job! All too often, homeowners convince themselves that they don’t really need to have their ACs professionally repaired just yet. After all, it is still up and running. And it’s still cooling the house. Sort of. Not great. But it’s still running. If you start thinking that way, remember that you deserve better—and so does your AC! There is never a situation where waiting it out will benefit you.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of the ways that scheduling AC repairs in Fort Wayne, IN immediately will benefit you and your air conditioning system. There are short term and long term benefits to consider. Just keep in mind that you’ll only reap those benefits if you leave your AC repairs to trained professionals. Even the best systems are going to require repairs from time to time, and working with great technicians is a must.

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It’s Time for AC Maintenance!

Monday, May 18th, 2020

So, springtime has come and almost gone, but you’re planting the last few sprouts of your garden as you complete your final springtime activities. While most homeowners wouldn’t consider “air conditioning maintenance” a springtime activity, we’d beg to differ! The truth is that right now our HVAC systems aren’t being taxed nearly as heavily as they would be during the summer or winter. Not only that, but technicians at companies like ours have less on their busy schedules, which means it’s the perfect time to schedule service.

Maintenance isn’t a service that’s optional. It’s important to schedule a service like AC maintenance in Fort Wayne, IN because of the sheer amount of benefits it provides. If you’re a homeowner in the area and you’re looking for long term opportunities for savings and increased efficiency, then call our team today!

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Don’t Let Your Furnace End the Season on a Low Note

Monday, May 4th, 2020

furnace-technicianSummer is gearing up to arrive. We know it. You know it. It’s understandable that some of you are chomping at the bit for it to just arrive already. However, we have to remind you that now is no time to get cocky.  Yes, the days are warming up. Yes, the sun is making itself more and more present. No, that doesn’t mean that you can start to push your heating system out of mind. If you need furnace repair in Fort Wayne, IN, don’t wait.

The nights are still plenty chilly, and you are going to need your furnace for at least a little longer.  We know how tempting it is to say well, we’re almost there. It’ll be fine for the rest of the season, I’m sure. We also know how poorly that typically pans out for the homeowners thinking that way, and how much they wish they’d taken action sooner when the do get around to scheduling service.

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Considering a Heating Replacement? It’s Never Too Early

Monday, April 20th, 2020

old-furnaceWe know what you’re probably thinking. The heating season is just petering out. Why would I already be thinking about a heating replacement? Well, the answer is actually pretty simple. If you were dissatisfied with your heating in Fort Wayne, IN, this winter, and found yourself thinking about a replacement from time to time, that situation won’t be any better next winter! In fact, it will probably be even worse. And doesn’t it make sense to replace when you don’t need the system operational?

Even if you’re on board with this line of thinking, you may still be wondering when the time is right for a home heating system replacement. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today. There are a lot of different reasons why one may choose to replace his or her heater, and the and answer is never to wait for your system to break down entirely. You don’t want to be scrambling for a new heater out of absolute necessity. This is a scenario in which you definitely want to be prepared.

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It’s Time to Take the iWave Advantage!

Monday, April 6th, 2020

woman-in-N95-maskWith all that is going on in the world right now, it is understandable that homeowners want to keep the air that they breathe in their homes clean. While there is no single system that can guarantee to remove all harmful pollutants from the air in your home, biological or otherwise, there are systems out there that can really help to clean up the air that you breathe throughout your house. Of these systems, the iWave air purification suite of products is right up at the top.

Currently, the COVID-19 virus is not available for testing. That’s important to understand if this is your reason for seeking products like iWave air purification systems. However, you should also understand that the iWave family of products is proven through independent lab testing to significantly reduce many pathogens and viruses similar to coronavirus in the home, both in the air and on surfaces.

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How Leaky Ductwork Affects Your Furnace

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

ductsWe’re definitely heading into the warmer time of the year—though not soon enough for everyone’s liking! With spring and eventually summer on the horizon, a lot of homeowners are probably starting to pay a little less attention to their heaters. What if we were to tell you, though, that there is a particular set of problems that can negatively affect both your furnace and your central air conditioner? Because there is, and that set of problems relates to your ductwork.

So while your need for furnace services in Fort Wayne, IN, may be limited at this point, keep in mind that your AC service needs haven’t even started to ramp up yet! And if you have any ductwork service needs, like duct testing, sealing, or new installation, remember that that’s a year-round concern. So read on, keep in mind how ductwork problems can affect your furnace and/or central AC, and remember to schedule your air duct services with the trained professionals on our team.

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Fight Fledgling Furnace Efficiency—Fast!

Monday, March 9th, 2020

furnaceDoes it seem like your furnace is costing more and more to run? If so, then you really want to address that problem ASAP. Any number of issues may drag down the overall energy efficiency with which your furnace in Fort Wayne, IN, operates. Each of these issues shares something in common, though—they won’t fix themselves! And the fact of the matter is that problems are only going to get worse over time.

That’s why it’s so important to be aware of any and all signs that there is a problem with your home heating system. Even if the heater is still up and running, after all, doesn’t mean that it is up and running properly. An inefficient system that’s always cost a lot to run may not indicate that there is a problem that needs addressing. However, if your system’s efficiency is suddenly slipping, then some attention is almost definitely needed.

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Why Immediate Heating Repair Is in Your Best Interest

Monday, February 24th, 2020

old-furnaceAs much as we would love to tell you the secret of keeping your heater in perfect working condition at all times, we simply cannot do that. Why not? Simple. No heater can do that. Heaters are mechanical systems, meaning that even the best heaters installed and serviced by the best technicians will run into operational problems from time to time. What we can tell you is that prompt heating repair is always going to benefit you.

All too often, homeowners will wait for very serious problems, or even a complete breakdown, to develop with their heating systems before they schedule service. Don’t do this! The longer that you wait to repair your heater, even if it is still technically operational, the worse off your system is likely to be. Keep these tips in mind, and be sure to schedule your heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN, with the pros on our staff.

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How Using Radiant Heat Can Benefit You

Monday, February 10th, 2020

radiant-heatingWhen the coldest time of the year is upon you, you shouldn’t find yourself dealing with discomfort in your home. You also shouldn’t find yourself dreading the use of your heater because you know it’s going to come at an excessively high cost. This is exactly the type of reason why you should consider the use of radiant heating in your home. Just remember that you need to work with a pro for all things related to HVAC in Fort Wayne, IN.

When it comes to a radiant heating installation (not to mention radiant heating repairs or maintenance), we’re the professionals that you can count on to do the job right. Our team will help you to decide if radiant heating is right for your home, and we’ll make sure that your system is integrated into your home successfully every step of the way. Work with us to reap all of the many benefits that radiant heating has to offer.

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Is Ductless Heating Right for Me?

Monday, January 13th, 2020

ductless-mini-splitOne thing’s for certain—you’ve got no shortage of home heating systems to choose from. In fact, if you’re exploring your options for heating in Fort Wayne, IN, then there is a pretty good chance that you’ll be a bit overwhelmed by what you find. That may lead you to rush through the system selection process, but we urge you to think twice before doing that. It’s an important decision, and should be made with care.

If you haven’t yet considered a ductless mini split heating system for your home, then you certainly have some further research to do. Ductless mini splits offer many great benefits to homeowners, and we install systems manufactured by some of the most trusted names in the industry. Keep the following information in mind when choosing a new heater for installation in your home, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions that you may have. Our goal is always your comfort and 100% satisfaction.

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