Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fort Wayne’

It Might Be Your Thermostat Making You Cold

Monday, December 30th, 2019

smart-thermostatBefore you reach for the phone to call for yet another furnace repair, have you considered that maybe your heater isn’t the source of the problem? All too often, we have encountered people who are struggling through winter and are sure their heater is broken only to discover that the real culprit is their thermostat.

If there is an issue with your thermostat it can actually be the main cause of a seemingly malfunctioning heater. This is because your thermostat is responsible for detecting the temperature difference in the room and letting your heater know when it is time to turn on. Problems with the connection between your heater and your thermostat, or with your thermostat’s ability to gauge the temperature of the room, can result in a very chilly, or very stuffy, home.

Learn more about this issue below and contact Collier’s Comfort when you are in need of thermostat repair in Fort Wayne, IN.

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Choosing Between a Gas or Electric Furnace

Monday, December 16th, 2019

furnaceAs you may well know, the furnace is probably the single most popular heating system throughout the country. Furnaces have a lot to offer homeowners. They’re pretty affordable when compared to installing a system like a hydronic heating system, and they offer quick and effective heating through their forced air heat distribution method. Even if you’ve decided that a furnace is the right heating option for your home, though, you have another important consideration to make.

Are you going to use a gas or electric furnace? That’s the question that we’re going to be diving into a bit further in today’s post. Before we do, we want to take this opportunity to remind you, right up top, that any furnace service in Fort Wayne, IN, regardless of whether it’s a gas or electric model in question, requires the skill and expertise that only experienced, professional furnace technicians can offer. So be sure to schedule yours with our team!

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Heating Pro Tip: Change Your Furnace’s Filter Regularly!

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

air-filterFor the most part, you are going to see us advise against DIY heating service attempts here on our blog. That’s because attempting to service your furnace on your own can result in damages to the system as well as serious personal injury. However, there is one furnace service that you not only can handle on your own, but that you should be completing on your own. That is changing your furnace’s air filter on a regular basis.

We know, we know. Changing an air filter doesn’t exactly sound like the most critical step that you can take with your home heating system. However, it is actually one of the best ways in which you yourself can improve your furnace’s overall performance quality. And the best part? It’s so simple! Read on, keep this information in mind, and remember how much such a simple act stands to benefit you and your furnace in Fort Wayne, IN throughout the heating season.

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Signs That Your Furnace Might Be in Trouble

Monday, November 18th, 2019

The fastest way to identify a contractor that you don’t want to work with is to find the one that tells you they can promise a completely problem-free home heating experience.  Why is that? Because 100% reliability simply is not something that you’ll ever get from any machinery, heaters included. This includes furnaces in Fort Wayne, IN. Yes, even the best furnaces on the market.  Yes, even when trained professionals install and service them.

Investing in good equipment and scheduling your furnace services with qualified professionals is certainly the best way in which to get the most reliable and effective performance possible from your home heating system, but nothing can guarantee 100% dependability. Learning some of the warning signs that your heater is in trouble is the next best thing, though. When you understand that your furnace is in trouble early on, after all, it’s more likely that you’ll be able to fix the problems quickly to mitigate any damages.

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Get Your Heater Ready for Winter—Now!

Monday, October 21st, 2019

cold-manChances are that you’ve already begun running your heater this year. Temperatures are cooling off quite a bit, and we’re dipping down into the 30’s at night. That is more than cold enough to justify firing up your home heating system. The problem is that too many homeowners do so before they’ve scheduled their heating maintenance for the year.  Even if you’re already running your heater, it is not too late to schedule this vital service with our Fort Wayne, IN HVAC pros.

In fact, we value routine HVAC  maintenance so much that we offer enrollment in our HomeSavers Club to maximize savings and make the process as simple as possible for our clients. There is no reason to let heating maintenance pass you by. Consider the following, and remember that scheduling heating maintenance a bit later than you should have is a much better option than skipping over it entirely. If you have any questions or you’re ready to schedule your tune-up, our team is here to take your call.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Short Cycling?

Monday, October 7th, 2019

woman-on-couch-with-fanNot sure what we mean by “short cycling?” Well, short cycling is a very common problem that homeowners encounter with their air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN, and the fact that you don’t know it by name does not mean that you’ve never dealt with—or are not currently dealing with—the problem! Short cycling is one of those issues that actually is quite serious, but which doesn’t result in the immediate breakdown of HVAC equipment.

Given the opportunity, however, short cycling can definitely wind up damaging your air conditioner system or heater—perhaps even irrevocably. So keep the following information in mind, and be sure to let a member of our team know if you’re concerned about short cycling with your air conditioner. The issue may actually have a very simple fix, but it could also be quite serious. That means that you need to take short cycling seriously every time, and not just hope for the best.

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Simple Tips for Boosting HVAC Efficiency

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

It is only once you are stuck in an uncomfortable room that you realize how important your HVAC systems are. When it is chilly or very warm outside, it is good to know you have a fully functional system keeping the environment in your house comfortable.

Your HVAC unit plays a vital role in making your home a space that you love. What if there was a way to tell it, “Thank you?”

The best way to show your appreciation to your heating and cooling system is to take care of it. There are a few simple practices that you can incorporate into your regular home maintenance that will also improve the efficiency of your HVAC.

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3 Major Benefits of the HVAC Tune-Up

Monday, September 9th, 2019

thumbs-upIf we were to tell you that there is a simple way to keep your HVAC systems in the best working condition, would you be interested? We’re willing to be that the answer is yes, which is why we’re posting this today! The simple fact of the matter is that there is nothing better that you can do for your HVAC systems in Fort Wayne, IN, than scheduling routine HVAC maintenance. Provided, of course, that you work with qualified professionals.

That’s why you want to work with the pros on our staff. Our HomeSavers Club makes it easier than ever to keep up with routine HVAC maintenance that your systems need to succeed, and it offers a few additional benefits over the already outstanding perks that maintenance has to offer. If you have any doubts about just how important maintaining your HVAC system truly is, then today’s post should put them to rest. Reach out with any questions that you have. 

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Is It Time to Replace My Air Conditioner?

Monday, August 26th, 2019

AC-techniciansThe days are still warm out there, but it’s fairly safe to say that the most intense heat of the summer season is behind us for the year. Does that mean that you won’t need your AC anymore? Not necessarily. Does that mean that you can wait to handle any major AC issues until next summer? Definitely not! If you’re thinking about an air conditioning replacement in Fort Wayne, IN, then you should probably start thinking more seriously right now!

We understand that an AC replacement is nothing to rush into. We also believe in helping our clients to explore all of their options. Just because something’s gone wrong with your air conditioner doesn’t mean that you need to replace it entirely. This is a major investment we’re talking about here. There does come a time, though, when you have to step back and ask—is my air conditioner still worth repairing? That’s different than can it still be repaired.

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Is It Time to Schedule AC Repairs?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

home-dehumidifiersA broken air conditioner is certainly not something you want, especially during a hot summer day! An AC in disrepair can spell all sorts of trouble for your comfort and your wallet, so what do you do? Why, you call for air conditioning service in Fort Wayne, IN of course!

In order to call for repairs, however, you must first learn to recognize the signs of trouble. Therefore, we have listed some of the most common signs that suggest your air conditioner is on the fritz. All you’ve got to do is keep reading below to find out more.

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