Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heater’

How Leaky Ductwork Affects Your Furnace

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

ductsWe’re definitely heading into the warmer time of the year—though not soon enough for everyone’s liking! With spring and eventually summer on the horizon, a lot of homeowners are probably starting to pay a little less attention to their heaters. What if we were to tell you, though, that there is a particular set of problems that can negatively affect both your furnace and your central air conditioner? Because there is, and that set of problems relates to your ductwork.

So while your need for furnace services in Fort Wayne, IN, may be limited at this point, keep in mind that your AC service needs haven’t even started to ramp up yet! And if you have any ductwork service needs, like duct testing, sealing, or new installation, remember that that’s a year-round concern. So read on, keep in mind how ductwork problems can affect your furnace and/or central AC, and remember to schedule your air duct services with the trained professionals on our team.

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Fight Fledgling Furnace Efficiency—Fast!

Monday, March 9th, 2020

furnaceDoes it seem like your furnace is costing more and more to run? If so, then you really want to address that problem ASAP. Any number of issues may drag down the overall energy efficiency with which your furnace in Fort Wayne, IN, operates. Each of these issues shares something in common, though—they won’t fix themselves! And the fact of the matter is that problems are only going to get worse over time.

That’s why it’s so important to be aware of any and all signs that there is a problem with your home heating system. Even if the heater is still up and running, after all, doesn’t mean that it is up and running properly. An inefficient system that’s always cost a lot to run may not indicate that there is a problem that needs addressing. However, if your system’s efficiency is suddenly slipping, then some attention is almost definitely needed.

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Why Immediate Heating Repair Is in Your Best Interest

Monday, February 24th, 2020

old-furnaceAs much as we would love to tell you the secret of keeping your heater in perfect working condition at all times, we simply cannot do that. Why not? Simple. No heater can do that. Heaters are mechanical systems, meaning that even the best heaters installed and serviced by the best technicians will run into operational problems from time to time. What we can tell you is that prompt heating repair is always going to benefit you.

All too often, homeowners will wait for very serious problems, or even a complete breakdown, to develop with their heating systems before they schedule service. Don’t do this! The longer that you wait to repair your heater, even if it is still technically operational, the worse off your system is likely to be. Keep these tips in mind, and be sure to schedule your heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN, with the pros on our staff.

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Why Your Furnace Is Costing So Much to Run

Monday, January 27th, 2020

servicing-furnaceWouldn’t it be great if you could heat your home to your heart’s content, and never have to pay a penny out of pocket for doing so? Of course it would be. It would also be great to have an ATM in your home that never runs out of bills, and that only you have access to. The likelihood of either scenario actually presenting itself to you is about even. The fact of the matter is that you’ll need to pay to run your furnace.

However, that does not mean that you should put up with excessively high heating costs when using your heater to keep your home warm. There are a lot of different reasons why your furnace may cost too much to heat your house, and some of them will require professional furnace repair in Churubusco, IN. Others you can actually handle on your own. When in doubt, contact the pros on our team to figure out precisely what is going on with your system.

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Is Ductless Heating Right for Me?

Monday, January 13th, 2020

ductless-mini-splitOne thing’s for certain—you’ve got no shortage of home heating systems to choose from. In fact, if you’re exploring your options for heating in Fort Wayne, IN, then there is a pretty good chance that you’ll be a bit overwhelmed by what you find. That may lead you to rush through the system selection process, but we urge you to think twice before doing that. It’s an important decision, and should be made with care.

If you haven’t yet considered a ductless mini split heating system for your home, then you certainly have some further research to do. Ductless mini splits offer many great benefits to homeowners, and we install systems manufactured by some of the most trusted names in the industry. Keep the following information in mind when choosing a new heater for installation in your home, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions that you may have. Our goal is always your comfort and 100% satisfaction.

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Choosing Between a Gas or Electric Furnace

Monday, December 16th, 2019

furnaceAs you may well know, the furnace is probably the single most popular heating system throughout the country. Furnaces have a lot to offer homeowners. They’re pretty affordable when compared to installing a system like a hydronic heating system, and they offer quick and effective heating through their forced air heat distribution method. Even if you’ve decided that a furnace is the right heating option for your home, though, you have another important consideration to make.

Are you going to use a gas or electric furnace? That’s the question that we’re going to be diving into a bit further in today’s post. Before we do, we want to take this opportunity to remind you, right up top, that any furnace service in Fort Wayne, IN, regardless of whether it’s a gas or electric model in question, requires the skill and expertise that only experienced, professional furnace technicians can offer. So be sure to schedule yours with our team!

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Heating Pro Tip: Change Your Furnace’s Filter Regularly!

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

air-filterFor the most part, you are going to see us advise against DIY heating service attempts here on our blog. That’s because attempting to service your furnace on your own can result in damages to the system as well as serious personal injury. However, there is one furnace service that you not only can handle on your own, but that you should be completing on your own. That is changing your furnace’s air filter on a regular basis.

We know, we know. Changing an air filter doesn’t exactly sound like the most critical step that you can take with your home heating system. However, it is actually one of the best ways in which you yourself can improve your furnace’s overall performance quality. And the best part? It’s so simple! Read on, keep this information in mind, and remember how much such a simple act stands to benefit you and your furnace in Fort Wayne, IN throughout the heating season.

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Signs That Your Furnace Might Be in Trouble

Monday, November 18th, 2019

The fastest way to identify a contractor that you don’t want to work with is to find the one that tells you they can promise a completely problem-free home heating experience.  Why is that? Because 100% reliability simply is not something that you’ll ever get from any machinery, heaters included. This includes furnaces in Fort Wayne, IN. Yes, even the best furnaces on the market.  Yes, even when trained professionals install and service them.

Investing in good equipment and scheduling your furnace services with qualified professionals is certainly the best way in which to get the most reliable and effective performance possible from your home heating system, but nothing can guarantee 100% dependability. Learning some of the warning signs that your heater is in trouble is the next best thing, though. When you understand that your furnace is in trouble early on, after all, it’s more likely that you’ll be able to fix the problems quickly to mitigate any damages.

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